Monday, November 23, 2009

Love is life....

Doubt! Doubt everything around you....Doubt that you exist...i suppose thats the only way to live. Unless you doubt, you wont explore, you wont enquire......thats the quality of doubt. This isnt mere an information, this is an experience. Once you doubt your doubt, then probably you may start living since there wont be any questions thereafter. Neither there will be answers but one may get rid of all questions. Till then, one has to doubt and enquire unceasingly. Slowly, slowly a nothingness arises, a great level of dissatisfaction will arise within. This dissatisfaction is of much much value and significance since it has come deep from one's being. When one realises there are no answers and no solutions then nothing will satiate one's soul. Only then one can move inward, the search takes a 180 degree turn for what one was looking outward, now moves inward. This is the real revolution.

Do we have something in our life that we can die for ? i wonder how many of us live as if we may die any moment. I feel that takes courage and much strength and probably to add its the way to complete freedom as well. Can we try to give every moment total attention? Can we connect to people in totality ? Isnt life happening in totality ?

I see posters all around 'exclusive interview' ...'live and exclusive' ..... can we not see that life is inclusive? Dont we all share the same air and space ? We have made our lives so private and exclusive that we dont allow anyone to tread in. Can we see that we're limiting ourselves by doing this? If only we give ourself totally into a moment, only then we can be free of that moment. Otherwise, life will always be half-lived like eating half-cooked food. Realised beings say 'Love is life' .....only by love one can reach the ultimate and if they say so as life is a longing to include !


Viren said...

Nice one .. like hitting a nail where it matters most ....

Unknown said...

Last line itself says it all..."only by love......."
Truly an impressive thought