Saturday, September 13, 2008


I wonder why people are so insecure about things in their life...Dejavu Dejavu ! something that i can still recall "things you own, end up owning you" ....seems so perfect !!
I have been through thick and thin of the most subtle things ......I talk to totally different kinds of people work doesnt demand this .....its just paying a listening ear to people around you and probably to the one's you feel compassionate towards....

Cant we just make an effort to see things as they are rather than just going insane about everything ? Its a corporate world as they term it, but i see mankind in the most pathetic and ironic situation it can be ....Where are we heading ? Cant we be human first and then the rest of it ?

Life is so uncertain and then we are trying to make it more certain , more secure, more predictable day by day.....How far can we go ? I see human beings as the most intelligent species and the only one who can make a difference......but its so disappointing to see them grumpy and making fuss out of nothing !

Life is meditation, a joyful ride, a beautiful experience with rich and gradient colors around. The journey within can lead us to a totally different plane altogether.