Sunday, November 22, 2009

Life is meditation

Life is such a mystery and when one digs within ....this mystery can unfold! I see people around and nobody seems interested in living ......they all are here just to squeeze every bit of pleasure...whatsoever it takes, they will dash, hit hard the crowd around them just to move further....thats what they call life!

On a yet another beautiful evening, the sun sets and we all move towards the sea shore. One of the prominent sea shore of greater mumbai. One can fall in love with the rhythm of sea waves and quickly go into meditative states. Do i call this a reality ? Things which i feel and experience when i close my eyes OR things that i see in my mundane life ? Mind is such. It always creates hallucinations and then one can forever be trapped into it. Are'nt we all trapped here like this ?

Karma as we all call it ....some people call it 'fate', 'destiny', 'luck' and what not .....Do we atleast know what it is ? Why are we here ? For what reason we exist? Aren't we intelligent enough to explore higher dimension of life ? We can only explore if we have the right set of tools and environment....and that is what I call meditation is all about!

Enter into the realms of meditation and one uncovers all kinds of emotions clotted deep within....tears, laughter, anger, fear ........Its the path to the peak of humanity and at the same time as deep as himalayan valley......One makes a choice to close eyes as there is nothing new to be seen and probably nothing new to experience .....All our experiences are of mind ......and unless one sees this pattern and functioning of can forever encircle within it......One of our contemporary living realised master once said 'Everything worth knowing can be known from within.......'

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